Friday, August 27, 2004

Law Review vs Published Article

I think that most law students strive to get the best grades they can. I also assume that most would like to get the best job available. That said, many law firms have preferences to participation in Law Review or Moot Court competition. That is fine, but not all students have that opportunity. This is especially true for part-timers like me. I may be an especially good moot court litigator. I might make Law Review. Nevertheless, I have a full-time job; a mortgage to feed; and a family that I am sacrificing. All of this on top of law school. Where would I find the time to participate?
What I might find the time to do is to write an article. Should I be able to get it published – even in the lower ranked reviews – is this as good?
What exactly is an employer looking for when they prefer Law Review? Is it extracurricular activity? Is it research skills? Is it writing ability? If the answer to these is yes, then it seems that publishing an article would meet all of the above.
I would really like some feedback on this … what are your thoughts?


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